
New updates and improvements to podinbox

New Sponsors Tab!

New Feature

Your fans can't always remember all the great sponsors and products you mention on your show.

Do you have a place for fans to see all your sponsors?

Now, you can showcase all your sponsors on your fan page!


Our Sponsors tab lets you easily create an interactive directory of all your sponsors. 

We say "interactive", because our Sponsor "ad-units" supports audio files.

Simply create a new sponsor, add some sponsor details, upload your audio ad-read for that sponsor, click publish...and presto, you've created an interactive Sponsor ad unit on your fan page!

Website - Core Features (9)

Fans can conveniently see a list of all your sponsors/recommendations and simply click play to hear your unique take on them.

Cool right? 

Oh...did we mention potential sponsors love this?!

It's a great asset to show off when pitching your next sponsor!