Feature requests

  1. Allow Fans to submit Text messages

    Voice is good. But an option for Text-based messages might be good as well.

    Pat Cheung


  2. Fan Page Membership

    Allow creators to sell a general membership to their fan page, giving them access to things like: Chat Room Private Podcasts etc. This membership can be based on flat fee, monthly subscription, or yearly subscription.

    Pat Cheung
    #New Feature 🚀


  3. Allow Anonymous Messages

    Allow people to post messages anonymously. Creators would receive these messages, but will have no idea who sent them. Pros: Lower barrier to entry for fans to participate. Cons: More spam Can't moderate anonymous users No contact is captured

    Pat Cheung


  4. WordPress Plugin

    Create a WordPress plugin to help WordPress users easily add the floating widget to their website.

    Pat Cheung


  5. Floating widget

    Let podcasters embed a floating widget (like those popular chat widgets) on the bottom-right or bottom-left of their podcast website.

    Pat Cheung


  6. Ability to add tracking pixels to Fan Page

    Let users add their tracking pixels to their Fan Page... Facebook pixel Google pixel

    Pat Cheung
    #New Feature 🚀


  7. Include Inbox Names on the File Download

    This will help users better organize their messages in their downloads folder.

    Pat Cheung
    #Improvement 👍


  8. Superfan Levels and Rewards

    Let owners set up different Superfan levels and associated rewards.

    Pat Cheung


  9. Transcribe Audio Messages

    Transcribe all audio messages So they can be read So they can be searched

    Pat Cheung
    #New Feature 🚀


  10. Paid Newsletter

    We currently have paid podcast episodes. Users are asking if we can support other types of paid content, like a paid newsletter/articles.

    Pat Cheung


  11. Perks Detail Page

    Creators are post more complicated perks, so they're asking for a detail page for each perk. Currently, there is only a perks list view...which is not enough for a proper sales page. Also, the detail page will offer a unique link to give the creator a way to promote that specific perk.

    Pat Cheung


  12. Email Announcement for Perks

    Creators want a way to easily send an email blast of new perks to their fan list. They don't need much customization, just a way to send out a quick announcement to get more sales.

    Pat Cheung


  13. Sold Perks Dashboard

    Currently, it's hard for creator to view a list of sold perks. We should create a dashboard that shows a ledger of perks sold.

    Pat Cheung


  14. Support Free Perks

    Users want to make some perks "free" to use as a lead gen. Currently, we only support paid perks.

    Pat Cheung


  15. Improve the Fan Page Chat Room

    Based on user feedback, we're making changes to our chat feature. Moving the chat from widget to a tab... Our current chat widget feels weird when there isn't much activity. By moving it to a tab, we think this will make it feel more like a discussion board than a real-time chat. This gives the creator/podcaster a turnkey "slack" or "discord" like place where they can have fans chat in real-time or just pop-in anytime to real discussions. Implementing reply threads... Currently, our chat doesn't allow for "threads". By supporting threads, our chat room will behave much more like a discussion board, where fans can have conversations around specific threads. Pinned Threads This lets creators pin certain threads to promote specific discussions.

    Pat Cheung
